
Cooking with Sister

My sister and I sometimes have flashes of culinary ambition that prompt us to pull out the big guns. We like to scour the internet for recipes, and cook things we've never even heard of, let alone eaten. Yuki is studying in Germany this summer, so our time at home only overlapped by about two weeks, but we managed to get some cooking time in between our smoothie guzzling and beach outings.
While she was here, highlights included:

quinoa patties 

and sweet potato spinach balls

Yuki has been trying to cut down on meat recently, so apparently while I was away this semester, my house was all about salads and occasionally some fish. While salads are awesome, and we are masterful salad creators (more on that later), there are so many other creative options as far as vegetarian cuisine, and I feel like we omnivores tend to forget that a lot. Both of the recipes in this entry are vegetarian, and the sweet potato balls even qualify as vegan. So whether you're feeding people with special dietary needs, or you're like me and just dig veg food, these are a fun and easy way to add some variety to your repertoire.



So far, summer's been treating me well. One of my best friends goes to the University of Oregon, and it was her birthday recently, so on my way home from Virginia I got to stop in Eugene for a long weekend and hang out. It was sunny and beautiful (which I guess is pretty unusual), so we were outside a lot, and over the course of my visit, I got to eat at a bunch of different places. I was really impressed with the food around the university. All the places I went were pretty decently priced, and overall pretty health-conscious. I saw a lot of vegetarian and vegan options, and stuff made with ingredients I don't see very often in Virginia--hello, avocados!



Hi world, I'm Sachi, and I like to eat! I'm starting this blog so I can document and share my fooding adventures at home, at school, and worldwide. I have a busy summer planned, and subsequent entries will probably include things like restaurant recommendations, cooking experiments, and lots and lots of photos so you can enjoy vicariously my tasty lifestyle.