

Hi world, I'm Sachi, and I like to eat! I'm starting this blog so I can document and share my fooding adventures at home, at school, and worldwide. I have a busy summer planned, and subsequent entries will probably include things like restaurant recommendations, cooking experiments, and lots and lots of photos so you can enjoy vicariously my tasty lifestyle.
I'm new to the blogging thing, and my camera's not the best, so you'll have to bear with me for a while. I figure I'll learn to blog as I learn to cook. My main objective here is to become proficient at making food that's healthy, easy, creative, and delicious. And maybe to inspire some of you to do the same by posting recipes and documenting the process.

Initially I'm guessing my readers will just be family and some friends from home and school, but since that includes a pretty wide geographic spread, I'll make sure to include explanations of location-specific foods. I might add little snippets about my life in general here and there, but not too much, because I'm of the belief that food blogs should be about food. Plus, at this point, anyone reading this blog probably knows basically what's going on with me already, so I won't bore you by getting redundant.

A bit about eating with Sachi
My mom is an awesome cook, and she's pretty into healthy things, so at home we basically subsist on extravagant salads made with farmer's market lettuce and fruits galore topped with homemade yogurt. Though we're pretty healthy eaters and we really dig our vegetables, we're definitely a family of omnivores, so the menu does include red meat, but because we live in Hawaii, I think we have fish a lot more frequently than steak.

At school my roommates and I don't cook as much, but I'm hoping to change that this coming semester. Starting in August, we're living in a nice big house with a cute kitchen that will hopefully be the stage for some excellent creative cooking. I'm really excited for it, so be on the lookout for more about that.

I love most food, and I'm always up for trying new things, but some of my favorite old stand-bys are:
  • unagi (eel)--especially in sushi
  • dried opelu (a small, salty fish that's pretty widely available where I live)
  • sweets (I'm a sucker for baked goods)
  • mangoes. Honestly, I could probably live on mangoes. Along with lychee and nectarines, they're some of my favorite fruits. My neighbors' tree had so many last year that they got sick of them (blasphemy!) and ended up giving a lot to us, so for a couple weeks last summer I was eating three a day, and it was GLORIOUS. 
My favorite international cuisines are probably Japanese, Indian, and Greek. My favorite baking ingredient is currently pumpkin. I'm a sucker for farmers markets and local coffee shops. Hopefully all of these things will make their way into the blog at some point. I have so many ideas! And I hope you'll stick around for the ride.

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