
Tea Eggs

This is a quick one, but I felt like it deserved its own entry. I've had this recipe for a while, but didn't get around to trying it until my last week at home. Prep was quick, and my tea eggs came out flavorful and really pretty, so I think it's definitely a keeper.

Big Island Eats: a food gallery

Going to college in Virginia has given me a new appreciation for all things Hawaii. I think this is the case with a lot of people, but one of the things I always miss most about home is the food. This summer I decided to document the things I ate on the Big Island, and this entry is basically a shameless gallery of deliciousness, peppered with recommendations. Enjoy!

On one of my first mornings home, I realized there were fifteen different types of fruit in my kitchen. 

Aunty Sara

My neighbor Aunty Sara has lived next door to us since we first moved into our house almost twenty years ago. She was an activist in the '60s, has travelled all over the world, and is involved in a lot of things in our little Waimea community, so she always has a good story or a useful insight to share. As kids, my sister and I spent a lot of time at her house. I love it there. It's full of unfussy but beautiful things, collected on her many adventures, and accented with her own art. Last summer I got to hang out with her a fair amount while I was home. Some days I just went over to talk, and she had us over for dinner a couple of times, which was awesome. Aunty Sara is an amazing cook, and she's really into eating local and organic, so everything she makes is fresh and delicious, and often contains ingredients from her own garden.

She was really enthusiastic when I told her I was starting a food blog this summer, so I thought it would be fun to invite her over to make a guest appearance. I'm out of the country right now (more on that later), but during my last week home, on my mom's day off the three of us made:

stuffed peppers

avocado and pumpkin salad (vegan)

green salad (vegan)

and a watermelon mint drink (vegan)