
Big Island Eats: a food gallery

Going to college in Virginia has given me a new appreciation for all things Hawaii. I think this is the case with a lot of people, but one of the things I always miss most about home is the food. This summer I decided to document the things I ate on the Big Island, and this entry is basically a shameless gallery of deliciousness, peppered with recommendations. Enjoy!

On one of my first mornings home, I realized there were fifteen different types of fruit in my kitchen. 

My family is growing some pineapples in the yard. Fun fact: if you plant the top in the ground, another pineapple plant will grow.

Ba-Le is a Vietnamese/French restaurant in Kona. Yuki and I ordered lemongrass chicken and lemongrass tofu off the mini menu (main dish, rice, and salad for $5) and it was the perfect amount of food. Also delicious there: chicken pho.

For Yuki's birthday, we went to Teshima's in Honalo (South Kona). I love Japanese food, and Teshima's is awesome. We always go there with all of our relatives on our mom's side, so that place holds a lot of good memories for me. Plus, if you go, you're pretty likely to see Mrs. Teshima, the ancient matriarch. She's 103 and still closes the registers every night.

Here's another view of the quinoa patties I made with Yuki.

Yuki and I hit up Scandanavian Shave Ice on Ali'i Drive in Kona. I think this one was mango/guava/lilikoi with a condensed milk snowcap, vanilla frozen yogurt inside, and azuki beans on top. That place is awesome because even the smalls are gigantic.

 If you're in South Kona, definitely check out Annie's Island Fresh Burgers in Mango Court. They have some awesome, really creative burgers made from local ingredients. I especially like their vegetarian options and the chocolate pudding that they make in-house.

Breakfast in my house on a weekend. Got up and my parents were making poi pancakes and putting out fruit and yogurt. I love home.

Seedless watermelon at the beach.

My friend Mariah's dad is a fruit enthusiast.

On the way home from a day at the beach, we sometimes stop at Anuenue Shave Ice in Kawaihae. I'm a big fan of Kona coffee ice cream in a sugar cone. Also pictured here is the Piggy Pup, which kind of disappointed me. I think it could've been done much better with fancier ingredients. 

But you can't fault the shave ice.

We had company for dinner one night, so my parents went all out. Pictured here: grilled marinated vegetables, grilled pineapple, spicy Korean pork, steak, and a salad.

Lunch at Mariah's one afternoon: black bean burgers on a bed of lettuce, with hummus, avocado, tomato, and cheese.

I made some peanut butter dog biscuits. Pretty easy recipe, you probably already have the ingredients. 

My favorite snack: frozen fruit blended with banana and some soymilk. Top with granola and/or fresh fruit.

Not the best picture, but Mariah made some delicious banana bread. I helped mix.

Dessert at Mariah's one night: spoon meat coconut with fresh mango and ginger ice cream.

 One Saturday, Sach and I went to the farmer's market in Hilo.

Tons of people, food, and crafts.

Various musubi

We bought a 2lb. bag of lychee to share.

Also in Hilo, Two Ladies Kitchen. Best mochi I've ever had. They're known for their strawberry mochi, which has whole, fresh strawberries inside.

Lilikoi Cafe is one of my favorite lunch spots in Waimea. This is a two-salad combo with mango-avocado and israeli couscous.

During my last week at home I made some Chinese tea eggs.

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